We are developing a plan to arrange a shuttle service from Deming New Mexico to Nuevo Casas Grandes on Thursday January 16th. You will be able to park in Columbus (just south of Deming), receive a ride to the border, walk across the border to pick up a tourist permit, and then ride in a shuttle to Nuevo Casas Grandes. Return service will be included. We will need to have an estimate of riders by early January. If you would like to use this option please email Matthew Pailes at mpailes@ou.edu. We have not established prices for this service yet but predict it to be a very affordable option.


There are many ways to travel to Nuevo Casas Grandes. This list is largely based on personal experience and recent web searches, but be aware schedules and minor details of process can change. Generally, problems can always be addressed with a bit of patience, but some flexibility and prior verification is suggested. If you have any questions not addressed in this guide feel free to email Matthew Pailes at mpailes@ou.edu. We are happy to help coordinate groups and possible ride shares. We can also help individuals with finding shuttle services.

Flying to Chihuahua City and Rental Car
There are daily flights to Ciudad Chihuahua that are comparable in price to flying between US cities. Ciudad Chihuahua is about 3 hours and 40 minutes away from Nuevo Casas Grandes by car. There are several major car rental companies located at the airport including Hertz, EuropaCar, Sixt Chihuahua (local), Alamo, and Enterprise. Cars can be booked in advance prior to arrival that will include insurance and verification of documents. We have never heard of any issues or had surprises with this means of travel besides the usual airline delays. Driving to Nuevo Casas Grandes is very safe, especially taking the toll road north that extends from Chihuahua City to Nuevo Casas Grandes. The toll booths accept most major credit cards and Mexican Pesos. The total toll amount one-way is approximately $25 USD or MX$507.

Two major bus lines service Nuevo Casas Grandes: Autobuses Chihuahuenses (https://chihuahuenses.com.mx/ ) and Omnibus (https://odm.com.mx/). There are terminals at several major border towns including El Paso/Ciudad Juarez and Nogales. The easiest way to use these buses would be to arrange a ride or fly to the respective border town, walk across the border and obtain a 7-day tourist visa at the Aduana, and then either walk or take a taxi to the bus depot. The buses tend to be very nice and luxurious and are completely safe. We will plan to post more details of the schedule of these buses closer to the time of the conference. You can also buy tickets in advance of your travel online.

***New Updates Bus***

Additional information provided by an attendee regarding Bus options from El Paso specifically is as follows:

 The Omnibus leaves El Paso TX for Nuevo Casas Grandes 7 times a day from 4:01 am – 5 pm; and returns 6 times a day from 6 am – 5 pm, odm.com.mx  In addition, Gino’s Taxi Service runs cross border between El Paso TX and Juarez MX 24 hrs a day, you can call or send text to 915-226-9422, for scheduling a pick up time, call or send text the day before. 

In addition, there is another bus besides Greyhound which runs from Albuquerque to El Paso TX, limousine express, leaving Albuquerque 4 times a day for either El Paso or Juarez. Returns also 4 times a day from either El Paso or Juarez. You can try searching busbud.com or checkmybus.com

We recognize this can be an intimidating experience for many travelers, but the process of obtaining a car permit has become streamlined over the last several years. We will plan to have a liaison present at the Palomas crossing during peak hours on Thursday, January 16th. Whether or not you plan to travel on January 16th, we recommend that you cross at the Palomas crossing if you plan to drive. Permits can be arranged in advance through the Banjercito website (https://www.banjercito.com.mx/registroVehiculos/). The basic process is as follows:

  • Enter into the Aduana station. If crossing at Columbus/Palomas this is the building located immediately across the border before driving through the swing-arm gated inspection station to your left. There is a parking lot directly to your right after you have crossed the border gate.
  • Present your passport to the Aduana official (left when entering building) and specify a tourist visa of 180 days (necessary for a car permit). They may ask where you are staying, “Hotel Hacienda, Nuevo Casas Grandes” is a sufficient response. Most often you will then pay (by card recommended) approximately $25 at this window. Sometimes it is necessary to pay at the Banjercito window (immediately behind you on the other side of the lobby).
  • Take your tourist permit (even if you have not paid for it yet) along with your driver’s license, passport, car title, and car registration to the “copias”. (Note, the car title is rarely needed.) This will require exiting the building through the opposite end you entered, going through the outside turn-style, and walking across the street. Everyone will be accustomed to this process and it will not cause any alarm. Several employees of various agencies will be present and you can simply say “copias” to have them point the way. Obtain your copies (typically less than $2 US) and return this time to the Banjercito window. You can also bring three copies of each of your documents (license, passport, car registration, and title) to save time.
  • At the Banjercito window, present both the originals and the copies of your documents. State that you need a permiso de carro (technically “importación temporal de vehículo”). The permit will be for 180 days (no shorter options). Sometimes they ask if you are towing anything “Remolque algo?” to which you can simply answer “no”. They will first verify your copies match the originals and then process the paperwork. This can take several minutes, but nothing is wrong. At some point they will ask how you plan to pay “Tarjeta o efectivo”. Your name on the credit card must match the name on your car registration. The actual cost is around $50 (depending on exchange rate) but you will also a pay a deposit of several hundred dollars (depending on age of your car) that will be returned when you cancel your permit. You will need to sign various copies. If you did not already pay for your tourist permit, once you are done at Banjercito, you will need to walk back across the lobby to Aduana to present the payment receipt and have your documents stamped.

**Be sure that upon returning to the United States that you stop at the Aduana and Banjercito to have your permits cancelled.**

Shuttle/Other buses (periodically updated)
Most major cities of New Mexico, Arizona, and West Texas have shuttle services that will include Nuevo Casas Grandes as a destination. These tend to be small operations that do not maintain websites but can be found on Facebook or reached by telephone. We will try to collect information on these as time allows (feel free to pass along any information to us of recommendations). Despite being relatively informal businesses they are highly reliable and are in fact a method regularly used by the organizers to move volunteers to and from fieldwork projects in northern Mexico. They also tend to be very affordable.

Useful Spanish phrases

  • Necessito un permiso turistico por siete días (I need a tourist permit for seven days).
  • Voy a Nuevo Casas Grandes (I am going to Nuevo Casas Grandes).
  • Voy a quedar en el Hotel Hacienda (I am staying at the Hotel Hacienda).
  • Voy a pagar con tarjeta (I will be paying with a credit card).
  • No tengo remolque. (I do not have a trailer).